Wednesday, September 26, 2012

snap out of it

a little to much beer and alcohol. a few cigarettes to much. way WAAAY to much unhealthy food.

Really need to start thinking about what I do to myself. Need to start working out again too. Starting tomorrow!

List of what to do tomorrow:
- Wake up and go for a powerwalk followed by a few strength exercises and stretch.
- breakfast: egg, coffee, crispy bread, fruit and vegtables.
- clean the car.
- fix some things in town (tan, hair, pants and furniture).
- lunch with Sara, Joffa and Iz?
- skaaaaaate!


what's up!

what I've done these last couple of days:

# a crazy night out with a really good pre-party at Kim's place.
# a spontanious "let's go for a beer but end up coming home at 4 in the morning"- night out with Kim and Johanna.
# a spontanious roadtrip to Gothenburg.
# a few nighttime session in Bunkern.
# a really fun night out with friends from"different" groups. A big mix of people and we all had a lot of fun!!
# mini roadrip down to Malmö together with Philip, Benny, Ekin and Amer. Watched Volcom Wild in the Parks and skated at Bryggeriet. Met up with Simon and Kalle. Me and Emelie followed them back to Kalles place, aka. The Basement, were the after party was being held. Me and Simon had been promised sleeping places before and spent the night. The afterparty was crazy and we all slept a little bit longer then expected. We stopped by subways for some food and then had a quick skatesession by the train station before heading back to Halmstad.
# Booked everything for Nitro Circus Live in London in December. Can't wait!!

Photos coming later!!


Saturday, September 15, 2012


Just chillin in my big ass nomis zip-hood that I got from Jeppe. Absolutely love it! Thanks Jeppe <3


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ehrm, yeah.. That's what happen when you try to blog drunk.

My last post I really don't even remember writing, hah! Anyway, me and Emelie started drinking just by the park before work and then went to a pre-party at one of jeppes friends. There it went all wrong, but I still made it out on town. Met up with Johanna (who was quite amazingly more drunk then I was!). Me and Emelie had our boards with us and after a few hours on town we decided to sleep by the park (not to be recomended). So today we spent all day by the park and then home to eat and clean off. So now we are in Bunkern and just finished off a midnight session together with some of the boys. The vibe when we got here was so amazing!! Me and Emelie just started smiling as soon as we stepped through the door! Emelie is heading back home in a few hours so we'rr just gonna get some sleep and then I'm off to Kim for some more sleep and then breakfast. Nightynight!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Im do funk


Party/work/skate night!!!


Thursday night out and Emelie.

After waking up at Kims I met up with Johanna for breakfast and then I was off to the park. After a full day me, Kalle and Jim decided to go and grab a few beers in town. I stayed at Jim and woke up early so I decided to go to the park. Had nice visits from both Emma and Lisa during the day. At 6 Emelie got to Halmstad so I met up with her and had a nice sesh at the park. We went home, grabbed some food and then went back into town.

We are now both really tired and cold so we put on some warm and cosy outfits and crawled into bed (thanks you Jeppe for one of the cosiest hood ever). Need some good sleep cause tomorrow we're heading for the park quite early since I have to start working for Kulturnatten at around 6.

Nighty night.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dear feelings; please just GO AWAY!

Not gonna go in on details on this one but I really need to write it off. I don't know how you feel, I can only assume and wish. But I know how I feel. Don't want to feel like this. Hate that I feel like this. But not how much as I hate not knowing what you think. Want to ask you, but I'm not ready for whatever answer you're gonna give me. Now it sounds like I feel really strongly for you, I don't just to be clear, but still. This just complicates everything. Every FUCKING thing!

So this is that moment when I say; Fuck it! Plug in some music, hang out with you and all the other awesome persons I'm lucky to call my friends, have a laugh and skate! Cause it will sort itself out.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

My sis.

Let me introduce my little sister Edith!



Wrote a really long post about today and yesterday, but managed to unintentionally delete it..oops! So here we go again;

Got to halmstad. Met up with Kalle, Jim and their friends after first dropping of my stuff at Jeppes place. Fun busride down to Malmö, watched the show, got extremely tired (we all did), slept on the bus back. Well back in halmstad me and Jim decided to go out since it was only 2 am. Kalle and the others decided to go home. Slept for a while at Jims place but me and johanna took the bus quite early to her place, where we slept for a few hours more. Got to the park and chilled before a meeting and a skatesession with Olle, Kalle and Arthur. Got a really nice present from Olle before leaving for Kim, where I am right now and watching Up. Good weekend!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nice evening.

How come that just that one weekend you decide to go away cause nothing is happening everyone ask you: going out tonight?

But, I've now decided that I'm for sure going on the bus to Malmö. Gonna be awesome! So maybe this is good for tonight?
