Friday, June 27, 2014


on my way to work. Kind of all I've been doing lately. Spent last weekend down in halmstad over Midsummer. Had a really nice time with a lot of nice people. This week I've been helping Cissi at Section C moving to her new office (when I've not been working myself that is haha). The next couple of weeks will be filled with work, 6-7 days a week. Looking forward to it! 

Oh, went to Jönköping to drop of some shoes and stuff for the comp on sturday and also had time for a really quick session in both the outdoor and indoor park. Really nice and can't wait to come to skate for real!


Sunday, June 15, 2014

1. Do you have any regrets?
A lot of them.
2. Do you have a deep, dark secret?
Well, kind off.
3. Have you ever hurt someone?
Physically; yes. Otherwise I don't know.
4. Have you ever self-harmed?
Sadly yes, but mostly it's me being angry and banging my head and fists where I shouldn't. 
5. How would you like to be remembered?
As a good person.
6. Who are the three most important people in your life?
My brother, mom and dad I suppose.
7. Was there one event that changed your life and the way you think? 
8. Would you sacrifice everything for love?
I would sacrifice anything for the people I care about, the people I love.
9. Are you afraid of dying?
Depends. I'm a little bit curious but I have a fear of the unknown.
10. Have you ever been abused?
Naaah, wouldn't say I have.
11. Have you ever been in love?
Sadly, yes.
12. Are you happy with who you are?
13. Would you ever give up your life to save someone else’s?
Depend's on who the other one is. 
14. Have you changed at all in the last year?
I think that we all are under constant change, so yes. But it's just hard to notice it yourself.
15. Would you ever settle for someone you didn’t feel was “the one”?
I don't believe in "the one".
16. Is there someone you can tell everything to without fear of judgment?
17. Are you pursuing your dreams?
Not even close.
18. Do actions speak louder than words?
Hell fucking yeah!
19. Is there something you would never do?
A lot of things.
20. What makes you uncomfortable?
When someone barely touches me. Shivers for days.

this day... completely sucks.

Another one of those depressing posts..

Worked for a couple of hours today, moodswings all day. Sucks. Now I'm just lying in my bed while all of my friends are out doing something fun. I just feel so bad today, both physically and mentally. Don't even know what to do with myself. I just wanna be able to do something when I'm not working, but since I know close to none here I don't really have that option. It sucks mayor balls.

I miss being able to go to the beach. To not have to make plans for the day, just go to the skatepark and then almost everyone I know is there. I miss nice nights out where people you know are around every single corner. I miss my friends.

But the saddest part is that no one miss me. No one wants me around. Hell, I think they're even glad I left.

And don't you think now: "aawww, don't say (write) that. That's not true!" Because it is, but I only got myself to blame. I'm still not a happy and fun person. I'm mostly mad, complaining or just plain out boring. Who wants to be around a person like that? That's right, no one does.

So now, I'll just go to sleep. The funniest and best thing, for everyone, I can come up with.

peace and shit.