Saturday, November 21, 2015


Tomorrow we get our car. In about three weeks we are moving to our belonged house. Everything that I couldn't wait for ito happen, is now happening all at once. 

About teo years ago, I lived my life without no real purpose. I didn't care for the future, as I saw no bright one a head. First of all I got a job, a job that I love going to. That makes me grow stronger and helping me finding myself.
Due to this job I had to move away from Halmstad, from everything and everyone I knew. At first it was hard, but now... I only go back to visit my mom once and a while. For only a day or two. Only been there twice in the last six months.
I think I needed a break from all of that. My mind was stuck while I lived there. Trapped. Only when I got that fresh start, I realized I was far from myself. So far from the person I wanna see myself become.
A few months in I got real homesick. I felt lonely, down. That's when Sebastian got into the picture.. All of a sudden I had someone who texted me everyday. Someone to talk to on the long bussride home from work every night. Someone who cared. Someone who made me feel at home. 
I think that is what made me fall in loce so easily with him.. He made me feel safe, calm and at home. Right in the middle of my life biggest transitions so far. 
Shortly after Sebbe, I got my first real apartment. My own home. The same day I got the e-mail about the apartment, Sebbe got an e-mail back about an work application. 
The day after I moved in, Sebbe started working as a salesman at the company he now is External Office Manager at.
Since Sebastians new work place was only a ten minut walk away from my apartment it only came naturally that he stayed at my place. Ever day. After two months we decided we should only have my apartment, or as it is now: OUR apartment, to live in.
After me getting fulltime at my work and Sebbe moving up at his we are now really looking forward in taking the next steps in our life. Towards OUR bright future.

And I couldn't be more excited.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

such a strange feeling.

spent last week in gothenburg for the annoual skatecompetition "Skate på Liseberg" or "Liseberg Classic". I tried to convince sebastian to tag along but since we spend so much time together he thought it would be nice for us to do something by ourselves. On thursday I drove down to halmstad to celebrate my friends graduation and also to visit my friends whom I hadn't seen in quite some time. On friday I picked up Emelie (my little nugget) and we roadtripped back up to gothenburg. On saturday we got joined by Anira, Kalle, Jim, Kingsley and Marcus. It felt so weird hanging out with those guys again. It's a big mix of "god I've fucking missed this shit!!" and "oh, I'm so glad I got away from all this". But all and all it was a nice little reunion.

It' kind of weird thinking about how much my life has changed in the last year. I've got a job that I actually enjoy. I live together with the most awesome boyfriend in a completely different city. Even if life still has it's up's and down's I think I've started to getting to know the real me. And a year ago I didn't even think that was possible.

So thank you all. Thanks for all the arguments, deep talks, discussions, light conversations, jokes and all between. Thanks to all who helped me find myself.
Love to you all ❤️

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring weather and smile on my face.

The weather is nice, my job rules, I'm starting to feel at home in Borås, my boyfriend is crazy. Life feels good today.


Friday, February 20, 2015