This last summer I hade the time of life. Just watched some photos and videos and almost started crying.. I want to do it all over again!
The first few weeks of the summer I spent mostly on my skateboard. Went to malmö with Joffa, Nisse and Klabbe to watch a skate demo. Nice people, nice weather and on a skateboard. Couldn't be better! I also spent a lot of time at falkenbergs skatepark and bergakungen skatepark in gothenburg.
The beach was aldo a place were I spent alot of time. Surfing, playing volleyball and partey!
then I went to visit my dad in Kungsbacka. He'd just bought a new boat so I spent almost everyday out on the sea, snorkeling and sleeping. And then movies and dinner with friends during the evening (and night).
Then the most amazing weeks of them all. Roadtrip, coast to coast in america. Four vans, loads of vitamine water and 3 weeks of adventure. I had the time of my life and met some of the most amazing people. Friends that I can't imagine to be without today. Guitarr playing all night in front of a fire, mooning people on the strip in Las Vegas, skateboarding at Venice skate plaza, got caught in a tornado, watching the sun go down the Grand Canyon.. and most important: be free!
Straight when I got home I dropped of my bags and went straight to Way Out West, a big music festival, and watched amazing bands like: The Xx, Mumford & Sons, Iggy and the Stooges, The National and M.I.A. (and several more).
I still can't grasp the fact that I've been through all of this.. But I will never forget it!
